Let us consider a simple example - we need to manipulate following database table EMP
Column name | Column type | Nullable? |
Here is simple data access object which allows to perform SELECT and INSERT operations (see example):
1 package example1.dao; 2 3 import sqlg2.*; 4 5 import java.sql.PreparedStatement; 6 import java.sql.SQLException; 7 import java.sql.Timestamp; 8 import java.util.List; 9 10 @SQLG 11 public final class Example1 extends GBase { 12 13 public Example1(LocalWrapperBase lwb) { 14 super(lwb); 15 } 16 17 @RowType 18 public abstract static class EmpRow { 19 } 20 21 @Business 22 public List<EmpRow> selectAll() throws SQLException { 23 /** 24 * SELECT EMP_NO, EMP_NAME, JOB, MGR, HIRE_DATE 25 * FROM EMP 26 * ORDER BY EMP_NO 27 */ 28 @Prepare PreparedStatement stmt = null; 29 return multiRowQuery(stmt, EmpRow.class); 30 } 31 32 @Business 33 public void insert(int empNo, String empName, String job, 34 Integer manager, Timestamp hireDate) throws SQLException { 35 /** 36 * INSERT INTO EMP 37 * (EMP_NO, EMP_NAME, JOB, MGR, HIRE_DATE) 38 * VALUES 39 * (:empNo, :empName, :job, :manager, :hireDate) 40 */ 41 @Prepare PreparedStatement stmt = null; 42 executeUpdate(stmt); 43 } 44 } |
Class piecewise description follows.
DAO class declaration looks like this:
10 @SQLG 11 public final class Example1 extends GBase { |
annotation indicates that this class should be preprocessed; preprocessed class should extend sqlg2.GBase
Here is the single constructor:
13 public Example1(LocalWrapperBase lwb) { 14 super(lwb); |
Now comes one of the main features of SQLG - row type class declaration:
17 @RowType 18 public abstract static class EmpRow { 19 } |
annotation indicates that the class is a row type class; such class should be public, static and abstract. Currently class is empty, its content is created by preprocessor - it inserts data access methods, corresponding to the SELECT statement in the business method following class declaration.
And here is the business method itself:
21 @Business 22 public List<EmpRow> selectAll() throws SQLException { |
This piece of code shows how you can write pretty SQL statements in Java using SQLG:
23 /** 24 * SELECT EMP_NO, EMP_NAME, JOB, MGR, HIRE_DATE 25 * FROM EMP 26 * ORDER BY EMP_NO 27 */ 28 @Prepare PreparedStatement stmt = null; 29 return multiRowQuery(stmt, EmpRow.class); |
annotation is used to mark variables of java.sql.PreparedStatement
class, which are assigned with newly created statement corresponding to SQL query in preceding comments with parameters set to referenced variables (see later). Then the method from GBase
class is used to perform query. This method should be used to allow preprocessor to find out the row type of result set.
Here is the result of preprocessor work (lines modified or inserted by preprocessor are marked red):
1 package example1.dao; 2 3 import sqlg2.*; 4 5 import java.sql.PreparedStatement; 6 import java.sql.SQLException; 7 import java.sql.Timestamp; 8 import java.util.List; 9 10 @SQLG 11 public final class Example1 extends GBase { 12 13 public Example1(LocalWrapperBase lwb) { 14 super(lwb); 15 } 16 17 @RowType 18 public abstract static class EmpRow { 19 20 public abstract int empNo(); 21 public abstract String empName(); 22 public abstract String job(); 23 public abstract Integer mgr(); 24 public abstract java.util.Date hireDate(); 25 } 26 27 @Business 28 public List<EmpRow> selectAll() throws SQLException { 29 /** 30 * SELECT EMP_NO, EMP_NAME, JOB, MGR, HIRE_DATE 31 * FROM EMP 32 * ORDER BY EMP_NO 33 */ 34 @Prepare PreparedStatement stmt = prepareStatement("SELECT EMP_NO, EMP_NAME, JOB, MGR, HIRE_DATE FROM EMP ORDER BY EMP_NO"); 35 return multiRowQuery(stmt, EmpRow.class); 36 } 37 38 @Business 39 public void insert(int empNo, String empName, String job, 40 Integer manager, Timestamp hireDate) throws SQLException { 41 /** 42 * INSERT INTO EMP 43 * (EMP_NO, EMP_NAME, JOB, MGR, HIRE_DATE) 44 * VALUES 45 * (:empNo, :empName, :job, :manager, :hireDate) 46 */ 47 @Prepare PreparedStatement stmt = prepareStatement("INSERT INTO EMP (EMP_NO, EMP_NAME, JOB, MGR, HIRE_DATE) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", new Object[] {empNo, empName, job, manager, hireDate}, new Class<?>[] {Integer.class, String.class, String.class, Integer.class, java.sql.Timestamp.class}); 48 executeUpdate(stmt); 49 } 50 51 /* PREPROCESSOR GENERATED CODE - DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE */ 52 53 public static final String _IMPLEMENTATION_PACKAGE = "rmi"; 54 55 /* PREPROCESSOR GENERATED CODE - DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE */ 56 } |
You can introduce errors into SQL statements and check what preprocessor says about them - in most cases it won't let you run invalid SQL.
But that's not all - there are also generated wrappers; see next section and example of their usage
Preprocess phase 1. Parser scans Java class text searching for SQLG annotations (unfortunately, apt
is inapt to do this - it does not provide enough information on token locations and local variable annotations). Class should be compilable (without syntactic errors), else unpredictable results can occur (but it won't spoil the original file - incorrect files only can produce strange errors). When it finds @RowType
or @EditableRowType
annotation, it marks following class body as generated row type class. When it finds @Business
annotation, it finds out method return type, method name and parameter names and stores them for later method execution. Preprocessor parses each method body in search of @Sql
, @Prepare
or @Call
annotation and when founds it, uses the value taken from preceding comments to generate query string or statement preparation or execution code. Then the correspondence between business methods and generated row type classes is established: row type class is generated by the first business method following it in text.
Preprocess phase 2. All processed files after phase 1 (with replaced @Sql
, @Prepare
and @Call
variables) are compiled, and then their business methods are called. At this point we need a database connection. If business method has corresponding row type class then the last (in this method) performed query result set is examined and its columns are converted to row type class access methods. Of course, only SELECT queries are executed at preprocess-time, but there is ability to check SQL statements of other types at preprocess-time too (currently it is implemented only for Oracle). Because of this phase, you should not call some JDBC methods in business methods (more specific - statement execution methods) but use their SQLG replacements, which are sensitive to preprocessor state and do not really perform DB operations during preprocess. If you really need it, you can check if method is called by preprocessor with isTesting()
There is also a separate branch of preprocessor - wrapper generation. Wrappers are generated in the second phase and loosely coupled with other preprocessor mechanics (you can even write your own wrapper generators, they are pluggable). Currently following wrappers generated:
interface; it is simply a remote wrapper for local wrapper.
Consider we have preprocessed file TestDAO.java
. Then we'll have following files after preprocessing:
- contains implementations of all row type classes
- data access interface
- local wrapper
- remote wrapper
and RTestDAO.java
subpackage). In this case you can even not know what goes on in this subpackage (you need not reference this classes manually, SQLG framework does it for you) and it is easy to say SQLG to force re-generate all files - simply deleting this subpackage (it may be useful in case of DB change that unsynchronizes DB schema state with your Java files - SQLG can only take file changes into account).
To let SQLG know in which package to search for generated classes, special static fields are added to processed file. In order SQLG runtime to work properly, do not remove these fields (together with generated comments, which are essential too, but only for preprocessor, not runtime system).
Class name of the task is sqlg2.Preprocess
. Task classpath should contain full version of SQLG library.
ANT task attributes:
Attribute | Description | Required |
srcroot | source files root directory. Package of class is determined relative to the source root. | Yes |
url | JDBC URL to use for DB connection. | Yes |
user | user for DB connection. | Yes |
password | user's password for DB connection. | Yes |
classpath | classpath to use when running preprocessor. Used in the second phase during compilation. Must include SQLG library itself (full version, not runtime), JDBC driver library, and other libraries that are referenced by processed classes. | Yes |
tabsize | tab size (negative for tab character); defaults to 4. | No |
implpack | subpackage name to put implementation class. Same package as input file by default. | No |
rmipack | subpackage name to put wrapper classes. Wrapper classes are not generated by default. | No |
force | whether to force generation of files; defaults to false, which means that preprocessor checks modification time of processed file against modification time of its generated implementation file, and if main file was not modified, no generation is performed. | No |
driverclass | JDBC driver class name. Defaults to oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver . |
No |
mapperclass | name of the class implementing sqlg2.Mapper interface. Defaults to sqlg2.MapperImpl . |
No |
dbclass | name of the class implementing sqlg2.db.DBSpecific interface. Defaults to sqlg2.db.OracleDBSpecific . |
No |
wrapperclass | name of the class implementing sqlg2.WrapperGeneratorFactory interface. Defaults to sqlg2.DefaultWrapperGeneratorFactory . |
No |
Task allows nested filesets to specify which files to preprocess.
<target name="preprocess"> <taskdef name="sqlg" classname="sqlg2.Preprocess" classpath="${sqlg.jar};${jdbc.lib}"/> <sqlg classpath="${sqlg.jar};${jdbc.lib}" url="${jdbc.url}" user="sqlg2" password="sqlg2" implpack="rmi" rmipack="rmi" srcroot="${src.dir}"> <fileset dir="${src.dir}"> <include name="example1/dao/Example1.java"/> </fileset> </sqlg> </target> |
There are two more useful features of @Sql
, @Prepare
and @Call
tag substitution. First, you can embed variables in your string constants, for example:
String table = "EMP";
* FROM &table
@Sql String sql = ""; |
@Sql String sql = "SELECT * FROM " + table + " ORDER BY ID"; |
) because it can lead to poor DB performance: use @Prepare
and @Call
annotations together with ":variable"
parameters or PreparedStatement.setXXX
methods instead.
Second, you can use :<number>
instead of usual question marks for parameters:
* AND MGR=:2
@Sql String sql = ""; |
; this has the advantage that you can see in your code what parameter numbers are to set them by PreparedStatement.setXXX
Another very useful feature is generation of statement preparation/execution code. If you use named parameters in SQL statement, then their values can be substituted from variables with the same names, for example:
String job = "ANALYST";
int manager = 1;
* WHERE JOB=:job
* AND MGR=:manager
@Sql String sql = "";
@Prepare PreparedStatement stmt = null; |
@Sql String sql = "SELECT EMP_NO, EMP_NAME FROM EMP WHERE JOB=? AND MGR=?"; @Prepare PreparedStatement stmt = prepareStatement(sql, new Object[] {job, manager}, new Class<?>[] {String.class, Integer.class}); |
String empName = "SCOTT";
int[] empNo = new int[1];
* END;
@Call Object[] ret = null; |
@Call Object[] ret = executeCall("BEGIN INSERT INTO EMP (EMP_NO, EMP_NAME) VALUES (EMP_SEQ.NEXTVAL, ?) RETURNING EMP_NO INTO ?; END;", new Object[] {empName, out(empNo)}, new Class<?>[] {String.class, Integer.class}); |
Names of column access methods are generated by the following rule: all underscores are translated to case change. For example, EMP_NO
is translated to empNo
to hireDate
(note that this behavior is implemented by the default mapper implementation sqlg2.MapperImpl
which you can change). So if you're only going to design your DB schema it is good to have underscores in column names to get well-readable names.
If you use functions (like in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM EMP"
) without column aliases in your queries then generated method names will be incorrect! You will have to delete these invalid methods and re-run preprocessor with correctly given aliases: "SELECT COUNT(*) emp_Count FROM EMP"
If you use @EditableRowType
instead of @RowType
then setter methods will also be generated. But these setters do not affect database state! They just change in-memory fields, it is sometimes convenient to use row type classes to store some variable data, not only DB data.
has methods which can be used in data access objects; they can be divided into following groups:
and prepareCall
(and rarely used createStatement
methods - execute single-column SELECTs
- execute single-column single-row SELECTs (PL/SQL analog is SELECT INTO
- execute single-column SELECTs which can return zero or one row
, setClob
- write BLOB/CLOB data
- executes UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE statements
, optionalRowQuery
, multiRowQuery
- execute multi-column SELECTs returning the result as row type class instances
- execute multi-column SELECTs returning the result as row type class instances (result contains metadata: for integer columns - their lengths, for character/byte columns - strings of maximum lengths)
methods, usually they are called automatically by the wrappers, you do not need to close statements explicitly. The only one which is intended for end-user is endCall
and getNextId
(the last one is DB-specific and may be not implemented for your DB, currently implemented for Oracle only)
method - may be used to manually create instance of row type class
Let us consider different use cases.
SELECT statement with static SQL
SELECT statement with dynamic SQL with fixed column and parameter list
SELECT statement with dynamic SQL with fixed column list and varying parameter list
Stored procedures and PL/SQL blocks
Free-form statements
SELECT statement with static SQL
Preferred way to select rows is to declare row type class and let preprocessor generate all required code to prepare statement for execution; then you can call statement execution method matching your needs:
@RowType public abstract static class EmpRow { } @Business public List<EmpRow> selectByJob(String job) throws SQLException { /** * SELECT EMP_NO, EMP_NAME, JOB, MGR, HIRE_DATE * FROM EMP * WHERE JOB=:job * ORDER BY EMP_NO */ @Prepare PreparedStatement stmt = null; return multiRowQuery(stmt, EmpRow.class); } |
, singleRowQuery...
or optionalRowQuery...
methods if you need.
There are longer alternative versions of this code, you can use them if you wish:
@Business public List<EmpRow> selectByJob(String job) throws SQLException { /** * SELECT EMP_NO, EMP_NAME, JOB, MGR, HIRE_DATE * FROM EMP * WHERE JOB=? * ORDER BY EMP_NO */ @Sql String sql = null; PreparedStatement stmt = prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, job); return multiRowQuery(stmt, EmpRow.class); } |
@Business public List<EmpRow> selectByJob(String job) throws SQLException { /** * SELECT EMP_NO, EMP_NAME, JOB, MGR, HIRE_DATE * FROM EMP * WHERE JOB=? * ORDER BY EMP_NO */ @Sql String sql = null; PreparedStatement stmt = prepareStatement(sql); setParameters(stmt, job); return multiRowQuery(stmt, EmpRow.class); } |
@Business public List<EmpRow> selectByJob(String job) throws SQLException { String sql = "SELECT EMP_NO, EMP_NAME, JOB, MGR, HIRE_DATE" + " FROM EMP" + " WHERE JOB=?" + " ORDER BY EMP_NO"; PreparedStatement stmt = prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, job); // or setParameters(stmt, job); return multiRowQuery(stmt, EmpRow.class); } |
SELECT statement with dynamic SQL with fixed column and parameter list
Preferred way to select rows is to declare row type class and let preprocessor generate all required code to prepare statement for execution; SQL query is dynamically generated by preprocessor; then you can call statement execution method matching your needs:
@RowType public abstract static class EmpRow { } @Business public List<EmpRow> selectByJob(String job, String order) throws SQLException { /** * SELECT EMP_NO, EMP_NAME, JOB, MGR, HIRE_DATE * FROM EMP * WHERE JOB=:job * ORDER BY &order */ @Prepare PreparedStatement stmt = null; return multiRowQuery(stmt, EmpRow.class); } |
, singleRowQuery...
or optionalRowQuery...
methods if you need. Alternative forms (see first case) can be applied too.
SELECT statement with dynamic SQL with fixed column list and varying parameter list
Preferred way to select rows is to declare row type class and manually prepare statement for execution; then you can call statement execution method matching your needs:
@RowType public abstract static class EmpRow { } @Business public List<EmpRow> selectByManager(Integer manager) throws SQLException { /** * SELECT EMP_NO, EMP_NAME, JOB, MGR, HIRE_DATE * FROM EMP * WHERE */ @Sql String sql = null; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(sql); if (manager == null) { buf.append(" MGR IS NULL"); } else { buf.append(" MGR=?"); } buf.append(" ORDER BY EMP_NO"); PreparedStatement stmt = prepareStatement(buf.toString()); if (manager != null) { stmt.setInt(1, manager.intValue()); } return multiRowQuery(stmt, EmpRow.class); } |
, singleRowQuery...
or optionalRowQuery...
methods if you need.
This case is similar to the first three cases, but you should execute statement with executeUpdate
Stored procedures and PL/SQL blocks
Preferred way to execute stored procedure or PL/SQL block is to let preprocessor generate all required code to execute statement:
public int createEmp(String empName) throws SQLException {
int[] empNo = new int[1];
* END;
@Call Object[] ret = null;
return empNo[0];
} |
public int createEmp(String empName) throws SQLException {
* END;
@Sql String sql = null;
Object[] ret = callStoredBlock(sql, empName, new OutParameter(Types.INTEGER));
return (Integer) ret[0];
} |
public int createEmp(String empName) throws SQLException {
* END;
@Sql String sql = null;
CallableStatement cs = prepareCall(sql);
cs.setString(1, empName);
cs.registerOutParameter(2, Types.INTEGER);
Integer empNo = getInt(cs, 2);
return empNo == null ? 0 : empNo.intValue();
} |
Free-form statements
If you need some capabilities not directly supported by SQLG, you can switch it off in the business method and use pure JDBC. For example:
public void doSomething() throws SQLException {
if (isTesting())
return; // no need for preprocessor services
// now we can do what we want - this code will
// be run only at runtime, not preprocess time
PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement(...);
CallableStatement cs = prepareCall(...);
Statement st = createStatement(...);
} |
You still can use @Sql
annotation, since it affects only first preprocess phase, but not other services - row type generation and statement code generation. You can also use @BusinessNoSql
annotation on business methods which do not want to be called by preprocessor.